The Fairview Web Team is a student-run organization that manages and maintains the Fairview High School website.

We meet every Friday after school at 3:45pm. Anyone, regardless of programming experience, is welcome to join.

Web Team has yet to confirm a long term meeting spot for 2019-20. For the beginning of the year, we will be meeting in the CCC (College, Counseling, and Career) Center in the 800 hall.


The Fairview website's functionality is mainly written using Ruby on Rails. The GUI is designed using a combination of HTML, CSS, and Javascript.

Web Team uses GitHub to handle version control. For those who aren't familiar, you can think of GitHub as Google Drive for programmers.

We use a wide variety of laptops and operating systems. Whether you use Windows or Mac OS, bring your laptop to one of our meetings, and we'll help you set up everything you need to start contributing!

Meet Our Team

Aside from contributing to Fairview's website, our team members are actively engaged in a wide range of pursuits. You can connect with some of us through our portfolio sites below.